Just like the other girls – Claire Douglas

I cant pick my favourite book by Claire Douglas.  I think a I read each one it becomes my ‘current fave’

The latest book ‘Just like the other girls’ is due out in August – but obviously I coulimagednt wait that long and got myself an advance copy so I could tell you all the need to know without spoiling the story. 

This book is split into several parts, and I was about 60% confident I knew who was the villian about halfway through part one.  We start with Una. A young girl who has a crappy ex boyfriend, recently lost her mum and lives in a small flat with her best friend. When she applies for a live in carer job she isnt expecting to get the post. The house is big, and posh but the womans daughter doesnt exhbibt any positivity dueing her interview. To her suprise within days shes moved into the house and has every wednesday and saturday off. Its quickly apparent that the dream job isnt that great. Una feels isolated, and something just doesnt feel right. When she finds out there were two girls before her who are both dead she starts to question things.


If you dont want a spoiler – stop reading. Just go and preorder the book. Knowing what I would know I want to stop reading here and wait to read for myself….

Clifton Suspension bridge – Image from Flickr


Okay – so part two. I was more confident I had the killer sussed. it was obvious. Not who I originally thought but it was definelty one of two people. Willow is the new Una. Shes settling into her new role when she has a haircut that changes her life.

The story completely twists and turns in th emost logical ways that you just cant forsee.

The characters are amusing.  Elspeth – an aging battleaxe,  Kathryn – her ‘cold fish’ of a daughter, Una is somber but likeable, Willow comes accross as feisty, The cook whose name isnt memorable but despite there being no apparent danger I wanted her to make it out of the story alive, Lewis the handsome gardener ( I pictured Jesse Metcalfe!), Courtney – I liked her more as she became more relevant and then Peter – the firefighter who feels vital and not important all at once.

If Im honest I flipflopped a little with who I thought the killer was. I wont tell you if I was right but here were my guesses:

Kathryn – for the money

Kathryns hubby Ed – to help Kathryn

Aggie the cook – shes part of the family but probably not in the will

Viola – she just seemed to obvious to not suspect

As usual Douglas writes a compelling thriller that its about family, love, loyal and betrayal. Its about forgiveness and finding the important things in life and holding onto them. Working on relationships and also about standing up for yourself and saying enough when you need to.


This time when the hubs asked me what the book was about I dont think the response would have compelled you to read it but for your amusement:

“an old lady who likes little blonde girls but her daughter doesnt.  when one gets killed they get replaced with a lookalike – kinda like getting a new barbie”





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