How have I managed to read so many books without ever picking up a Daphne Du Maurier book? 

Thanks to Netflix I decided to read Rebecca before I watched the latest adaptation. I fell in love with the seemingly lack of romance, the questions and the mystery. More importantly I wished I too could go to Mandalay.  After finishing the book I made the epic mistake of watching the Netflix version, I was so disappointed in the lack of similarities  I dozed off. Best nap I ve had in a while. Moral of the story is books are better than tv. But we already knew that!

Now I’d caught the DDM bug and I moved on to jamaica inn, a book I’ve heard so much about and despite my many trips to the south west have never stopped to visit. Oh the smuggling made me feel like it was an old story to be read on a dark wintery night in front of the fire. With the doors definitely locked. I kicked myself for not seeing the probably obvious twist though. I did learn my lesson and rather than go looking for a TV or film of it instead I began Frenchman’s Cove.

When I think of pirate and smuggling stories in Cornwall I have always thought of Enid Blyton and her famous five. I suspect I’m more likely to think of the frenchman now. And that thought makes me smile. Less of a mystery and more of a romance the story is beautifully written and Dona was a modern woman trapped in the wrong era. Plus pirates. Who doesn’t love pirates. I suspect some of the phrases may now be considered inappropriate by the PC Police but I think its what makes the story so enjoyable.

I haven’t yet picked my next read, but I’m pretty sure I ll be heading up to my local indie bookshop to browse their classics collection just incase my next book can help me get over the frenchman.

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